Friday, February 29, 2008

Lectureship Time!

It's time again for lectureship here at ACU. This is a big time deal for the University. Not only is it a time of spiritual growth for many people who come to town, but it is a time of fellowship and being reacquainted with old friends. It's also a time when many people give contributions to ACU. This is very true for the ACU alumni. For students though, this time is a little different. For many students, it's a way to get more chapel credits by attending the evening sessions and receiving 2 credits. It's also a time of cancelled classes, because some of the sessions during the day take place in the classrooms, which prohibits students from having class. Although this is how some people see lectureship, I really hope this year that the students will get more involved and attend the daytime sessions. I've already checked the schedule and know which ones I will be attending. If you're an ACU alum, then maybe I will see you there!!!

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